No subject is out of bounds anymore. In fact, you'll find yourself delighting in conversation solely surrounding potty training and the inevitable 'boo boos' (yes, another new term to add to your hypothetical parenting dictionary) along the way. Just the other day I had a one hour conversation to a good friend of mine on the subject of CONSTIPATION. Her child hadn't 'gone' for a whole week and understandably she was beginning to worry.

'Grab the prunes' you may say - which in theory is a brilliant piece of advice. But this little girl is luxuriating in her 'terrible twos' stage, and has been delighting in the constant power struggles you face on a day to day basis. 'No prunes, yucky prunes'. Ok, Plan B. Up the fruit, veges and cereal. 'Yucky fruit, veges and cereal' was the reply. So now my poor friend is not only worried about constipation but also STARVATION! It seems parenthood is also a one way ticket to a life time of worry! Vomiting, diarrhoea and the arty things kiddies do with both are also high on the agenda (they give Picasso's works a run for their money).
No subject is too disgusting or vulgar that it can't be discussed at length over a hot cup of coffee and gooey chocolate cake. So, embrace the new you and talk dirty to your hearts content, knowing that somewhere in the world, even in your neighbourhood, there are hundreds of mums (and the odd stay at home dad) discussing the finery's of life on the edge of sanity.